Friday, January 06, 2006


At the beginning of the new year, it is tradition for people to make resolutions. I've always thought the middle of the winter was sort of a strange time to do this--mostly because it's so dark and cold, and seems like one of the most difficult times to change one's ways. I was reading in a magazine that over half the country resolves to start exercising regularly, but seriously, what Minnesotan who is not already a runner is going to bundle up January 2nd and start running around frozen Lake Calhoun, and somehow plan to do that everyday for the rest of the winter. Not me.

The dictionary defines resolution as: res·o·lu·tion A course of action determined or decided on; a resolving to do something. At this point in my life, it seems perhaps I should be making resolutions. In 2006, I resolve to drink more water, exercise often, read more good books.

Ultimately, my big resolution is just to do just that, to do something. I'm hoping that means that I can find some life direction in 2006, whether that be a job/career I'm excited about, a Masters program to apply to, or even just some new hobbies and/or friends to pass the time. I also hope to travel, strengthen friendships, spend more time outdoors, and start sleeping in. I might start these resolutions today, or might wait until winter is over, the sun comes out, and it really starts to feel like a new year.

Happy 2006!


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