Friday, January 27, 2006


So, I've been tagged by Mary, and even though she thought I wouldn't notice nor respond, here goes...

Four Jobs:
Toy Store
I worked at Creative Kidstuff part-time for a few years. I started as a lowly gift wrapper using "foof" (their word for colorful zig-zag cardboard you decorate a package with), ribbons, and beautiful paper. Some of the best things I ever wrapped: a hula hoop, a Beamo, a play horsey, and a guitar. I also would help people pick out gifts for their kids and make recommendations on the "coolest" Lego sets. All in all, a pretty sweet job.

Computer Lab
My student employment at Macalester was a "Lab Monitor" which basically meant I sat in a small room with 6 computers, a hot water pot, and hot chocolate and tea, and made sure nobody stole them. It was nice, since I could get my homework done, except for the one night when a professor's child came into the lab and spilled hot chocolate all over one of the keyboards. Sticky fun...

For almost 3 years I've worked at the hospital, answering phone and staffing an information desk. I pretty much interact with hundreds of people each day, which is great. I get to practice my limited Spanish speaking skills, and I'm just waiting for the day that a South African comes in and I can break out the Xhosa. Otherwise, overall and fun, and often times hilarious job.

Youth Program
I spent a summer working with some high school students who were volunteering at various places in Minneapolis. I was their "mentor" and we talked about various topics including: social justice, race, white privilege, etc. The thing was, many of these kids were already very familiar with these issues, most of them public school students, and were actually more in-tune with the topics that some of the adults who wrote the curriculum thought...

Four Movies
I'm a sucker for great "kid friendly" movies so really, Shrek and Finding Nemo are up towards the top of the list. Movies that create discussion are also favorites including Crash and Hotel Rwanda.

Four Places I've Lived
1. Minneapolis
2. Saint Paul
3. South Africa
4. Minneapolis (again...hey it's a great city!)

Four TV Shows I Love
That's easy: The West Wing, Law and Order, CSI, and Boston Legal.

Four Places I've Been on Vacation
Spent many a summer in Jamestown, RI hanging out with the extended family, staying in "la garage". This fall took an amazing vacation to Ecuador visiting the cities of Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca, and many cities in between. I've also gone to Holland and France, and numerous road trips around the U.S. with my family.

Four Websites I Visit Daily
Well, since almost 40 hours per week is spent in front of a computer at work, in no particular order: gmail, Star Tribune (to play Sudoku), the "start page" for telephone numbers at work, and google!

Four of My Favorite Foods
1. Fruit (all kinds)
2. Chocolate (esp. Dark)--currently I'm really into Peanut Butter M&Ms.
3. Pesto on pizza and pasta
4. A salad of mixed greens and chopped pears with Goddess dressing.

Four Places I'd Rather Be
Anyplace warm really. I'd also like to be somewhere with lots of beaches and green. Actually, being in MN is nice during the summer!

Four Albums I Can't Live Without
Well, to be perfectly honest, I don't really buy or have any CDs. I really can't live without my iPod. I enjoy Counting Crows, world music, and lots of movie soundtracks.

Four People to Tag
Maria Hansen
Katie Pastorius
Mike Taylor
Brittany Lynk

Friday, January 06, 2006


At the beginning of the new year, it is tradition for people to make resolutions. I've always thought the middle of the winter was sort of a strange time to do this--mostly because it's so dark and cold, and seems like one of the most difficult times to change one's ways. I was reading in a magazine that over half the country resolves to start exercising regularly, but seriously, what Minnesotan who is not already a runner is going to bundle up January 2nd and start running around frozen Lake Calhoun, and somehow plan to do that everyday for the rest of the winter. Not me.

The dictionary defines resolution as: res·o·lu·tion A course of action determined or decided on; a resolving to do something. At this point in my life, it seems perhaps I should be making resolutions. In 2006, I resolve to drink more water, exercise often, read more good books.

Ultimately, my big resolution is just to do just that, to do something. I'm hoping that means that I can find some life direction in 2006, whether that be a job/career I'm excited about, a Masters program to apply to, or even just some new hobbies and/or friends to pass the time. I also hope to travel, strengthen friendships, spend more time outdoors, and start sleeping in. I might start these resolutions today, or might wait until winter is over, the sun comes out, and it really starts to feel like a new year.

Happy 2006!

World Travelers

Yet another close friend is off for world adventures. My dear old roomie Katie is off to Europe for a few months (check out her sweet blog on the right-->). As she was leaving I started thinking about what world travelers my generation has become. I currently have friends who have/are studying abroad for a semester, in various countries, on EVERY continent but Antarctica. Incredible, no?